Saturday, June 28, 2008

Firefox 3.0 wins memory battle, says tester

"By contrast, Safari for Windows is 'extremely poor' in managing memory. Mozilla
browser uses memory much more efficiently than its rivals, according to an independent tester who wrote a memory-monitoring utility to track usage by Firefox, Internet Explorer (IE), Flock, Opera and Safari."

I've seen above news from computer world site. Now I installed Mozilla 3.0 to my mechine. Graphic design and funcationality are really good. u could download it from

working with photo shop

Today, I working with my freelance project. The project name is Annables project. Every one can go throught that project via that link.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today Badly java script error

Today, I've got badly Java script error in my work project. I was trying to get cookie value from Java script file. I need to explain more. The project is need dynamic menu.
That menu is created by when u create new page. that page should be added to menu list automatically. I tried to get cookie value like that - ( here we are some coding -

private void MenuList()
List menu_list = MenuController.GetMenuList();
List First_list = new List();
List Second_list = new List();
List Third_list = new List();

string strMenu = string.Empty;

if (menu_list.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < menu_list.Count; i++)
if (menu_list[i].ParentID == Guid.Empty)
// find second level menu
Second_list = GetSubMenu(menu_list, menu_list[i].MenuID);

// print out the first level with
  • closing tag if second list count = 0; else print out the first level without
  • closing tag
    if (Second_list.Count > 0)
    string strSecondLevel = string.Empty;

    //print out the first level
    //strMenu += "
  • " + menu_list[i].Name + "";
    strMenu += "
  • " + menu_list[i].Name + "";

    HttpCookie MyCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["menu"];
    if (MyCookie == null)
    MyCookie = new HttpCookie("menu");

    // open the second level
    strMenu += "

      for (int j = 0; j < Second_list.Count; j++)
      //remove second level list from main list
      for (int count = 0; count < menu_list.Count; count++)
      if (Second_list[j].MenuID == menu_list[count].MenuID)

      // find third level menu
      Third_list = GetSubMenu(menu_list, Second_list[j].MenuID);
      if (Third_list.Count > 0)
      // print out the second level without closing
    • tag
      //strMenu += "
    • " + Second_list[j].Name + "";
      strMenu += "
    • " + Second_list[j].Name + "";

      // open the third level
      strMenu += "

        foreach (Menus m3 in Third_list)
        // print out the third level
        //strMenu = "
      • " + m3.Name + "
      • ";
        strMenu = "
      • " + m3.Name + "
      • ";

        //remove third level menu from the main list
        for (int c = 0; c < menu_list.Count; c++)
        if (m3.MenuID == menu_list[c].MenuID)

        //close the third level
        strMenu += "
      //close the second level
      strMenu += "
    // close the first level
    strMenu += "
  • ";

    int index2 = Second_list.IndexOf(Second_list[j]);
    Second_list.InsertRange(index2 + 1, Third_list);
    // print out the second level
    for (int m = 0; m < Second_list.Count; m++)
    //strMenu += "
  • " + Second_list[j].Name + "
  • ";
    strMenu += "
  • " + Second_list[j].Name + "
  • ";
    // close the second level
    strMenu += "";
    // close the first level
    strMenu += "";

    int index1 = menu_list.IndexOf(menu_list[i]);
    menu_list.InsertRange(index1 + 1, Second_list);

    //strMenu += "
  • " + menu_list[i].Name + "
  • ";
    strMenu += "
  • " + menu_list[i].Name + "
  • ";

    navigationMenuList.InnerHtml = strMenu;

    In above code has bold sentence. that sentece is trying to get cookie value from anchor tag on click event. I have no idea yet. :( BAD Day